Books and Ebooks by the Author

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Created By Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb

A Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb Presentation


Railsplitter Press William Lloyd Clark old time religion

William Lloyd Clark, who passed away in 1935, was publisher of the Rail Splitter Press and professional anti-catholic. He has been called "an army of one." The rabid Rail Splitter's motto was "One Law, One School, One Flag" and he sold the phrase on tiny stickers as well as the charming "Be an American" sticker shown here. Gulp. He had a "mobile pulpit" built onto on old truck and rode around the country preaching, and on at least on occasion stood on west 57th Street and Broadway and shouted his bile. He bragged on it in later literature, but I find no mention in the local papers. I'm sure even then New Yorkers walked around and kept on going. A obsessed and prolific writer, among his titles are the following:

The Devil in a Bathtub
Washington in the Grasp of Rome
Devil's Prayer Book (shown above, "For red-blooded HE-MEN only")
White Slave Girls of America

Here is his own synopsis of The Devil in a Bathtub: "Mammoth gambling hells and old bath house row of early days. Drunken Priests leave snake in bathtub. Hot Springs the greatest resort city in the world today in the grip of the roman octopus."

Rail Splitter Press material c. 1925. Collection Jim Linderman

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