Books and Ebooks by the Author

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Created By Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb

A Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb Presentation


Sexist Bible Passages John R. Rice, Rabid Reverend Bobbed Hair Bossy Wives and Women Preachers (ALL NOT ALLOWED) old time religion

In which...oh, never mind. There are 90 pages to this book, and every one contains a portion of the Bible any CHRISTIAN woman would find horrendous, not to mention a non-believer.

Bobbed Hair Bossy Wives and Women Preachers by John R. Rice. 1941 Collection Jim Linderman


  1. I bet JAY-sus forgives bobbed hair; at least, I hope he does ><

  2. John R. Rice was my grandfather, so I knew him rather well. In his life and relationships, he bore little resemblance to the caricature offered in this blog post. I disagreed with him about many things, but like most of us, he was complicated, well-intentioned but deeply flawed, and he was a man who was of his time. Please read my book about him: "Sword of the Lord: The Roots of Fundamentalism in an American Family.
