Books and Ebooks by the Author

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Created By Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb

A Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb Presentation


America's Only Inter-Denominational Inter-Racial Evangelistic Team old time religion

Too big to fit on my scanner, but the wonderful Devlin Thompson Designer, Cartoonist and all-around simply great guy fixed up the poster image for me!  

This is a pretty scarce poster, quite possibly unique.  Not so much because the lovely group certainly defied convention and made true gospel harmony, but because these must have been in short supply even then, as they used it on a telephone pole TWICE.  Waste not, Want not.

Dynamic Bible Preaching and Duets.  What more could you want?  I only wish they had recorded.

The Musical Carter Gospel Team Original Poster, 10" x 14" circa 1950?  Collection Jim Linderman

1 comment:

  1. They did record. Some of their work is on YouTube. The woman on the right was my stepmother. Do you still have the poster?
