Books and Ebooks by the Author

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Created By Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb

A Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb Presentation


old time religion Non-evolved goofball Reverend Rice denies the Willingly Ignorant Uniformitarian Geologists

old time religion Non-evolved "faith-healer" Reverend Rice denies the Willingly Ignorant Uniformitarian Geologists.  The Wha?  Well, one would think "willingly ignorant" would apply to those who don't believe science...but nope! In the highly "designed by god" world of Reverence Rice, it means sinning scientists who think you can date a rock. can!  Rice is pissed they didn't find remnants of the ark still.  He also uses the faith-based argument foundation.  "It can't be true because it says right here in the bible"  TEN TIMES!

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