Books and Ebooks by the Author

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Thou Shalt NOT Steal

Created By Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb

A Jim Linderman and Dull Tool Dim Bulb Presentation


old time religion Satan that old Devil by Evangelist Dorothy Davis

old time religion Satan that old Devil by Evangelist Dorothy Davis (with help from Brother Bill?)  Typical warnings and faith healing diatribe from the golden era of religious crackpots.  No Date (Circa 1968?) Collection Jim Linderman  63 pages.  If you are waiting for the Kindle edition, keep waiting.

1 comment:

  1. I remember attending one of her tent revivals back in the early '70s and hearing her preach. Her husband was her 'front man' who would lead the service and singing before she came out to preach. Despite what some may think about her and other evangelists this kid and of evangelism has very deep roots in our nation's history and culture. I actually enjoyed attending one of her revivals.
