Tommy Phelps and his long player old time religion
Too old to wrassle but not for preaching. The entertainment industry.
Tommy Phelps with his inspiring Long playing record. Hint: wrestling on tv isn’t real
and preaching to the rubes isn’t a surprise.
Why God does not Kill the Devil
Well, I can’t provide the answer for this one, the 32 pages are too brittle to turn. I’ll have to have faith it’s in there.
Why God Does Not Kill the Devil: A reply to Infidelity with chapters on Annihilation and Does God Create Evil?
By EK Evans Illustrated by Weston. 1901 Appeal Pub Co. Girard, Kan.
Collection Jim Linderman / old time religion the Blog.
The Devil Goes Fishing Live Bait Religious Tract c. 1948 old time religion
The Devil Goes Fishing Live Bait Religious Tract c. 1930. Published by the Pilgrim Tract Society, Likely in the late 1940s. The organization is still
in business.
Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Vision of the Apocalypse
Apocalyptic Worship of the Antichrist Photograph of an Unknown Painting. This is an original photograph circa 1920 (?) of a work I haven't identified. We'll have to rely on the frightening notes from the reverse. Tribulation Worship of the Antichrist, Rider of the white horse also dark horse of the famine, gray horse of Death, the lambs book of life. Is your name written there?
Original photograph, no date collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Take your Pick! Out in the Dark or Out of the Dark
A pair of postcards from the Herald Press with confusing messages. One proclaims the bible is the only way out IN the dark, the other reads the only way out OF the darkness. Unless one is a typo, I guess the book works for both.
Message Postcards (one mailed, one unused) Herald Press c. 1940 Cleveland. Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion In Which Jesus is NOT a Hippie 50 cents each
old time religion In Which Jesus is NOT a Hippie 50 cents each.
There is a damn revolution going on, and I'm confused. All these kids growing their hair, doing dope and effing in the streets! Where there is a market, the evangelists find it. Stop worrying...Rev. Grant will assure you twice for one buck.
old time religion Guilt Trip postcard NO EXCUSES
old time religion Guilt Trip postcard NO EXCUSES. Well, one excuse. I've been busy doing other things. Stay tuned!
Sunday School Reminder Postcard
old time religion Best Return on your Investment! Paper Dollar from Heaven
old time religion Best Return on your Investment! Paper Dollar from Heaven.
Circa 1935 Collection Jim Linderman
Basil Merrett Outsider Artist old time religion
Basil Merrett Outsider Artist old time religion circa 1945 hand drawn postcard "The Angels and the Flowers" (Religious series #78) Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Angel Martinez, Safe in Heaven!
Evangelist Angel Martinez "touches all the bases" in his baseball themed warning about being saved. According to one site "One of Martinez's trademarks was his colorful dress…always look sharp, young man." and "When he led inquirers in the "sinner's prayer," he would say, "If you prayed that little prayer with me, I will see you in heaven." Conservative estimates are that Martinez will see more than 500,000 who prayed that little prayer with him somewhere in a revival meeting mostly in a Southern Baptist church and many in Texas. Martinez's ministry spanned 60 years. At age 73, God called him home to heaven." That would mean he started telling others what God wants at age 13. Blessed!
Martinez also wrote a book titles "Gravitational Attraction" whatever that is.
old time religion Creative Miracles of Neal Fresby (Frisby)
Well, I am going to have to suspect this is a first edition, as they spelled Neal Presby's name wrong. What a disappointing typo that must have been for the once alcohol and dope addict turned some kind of miracle maker. Inside he claims to have the ability to create eardrums since he has healed so many of the deaf. I checked his website (!) and they have a considerable number of books written by Frisby, but I'd rather not link to it. It's still in print! This copy has no date, but they call it "his first book' although W. V. Grant wrote it for him. I think. Anyway they say 1962.
Creative Miracles Miracles by W. V. Grant. Misprint cover 1962 Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion "After" drawing
old time religion "after" drawing upon completion of the Back to the Bible correspondence school.
Unknown illustrator 1964.
old time religion Fruit of Satan
old time religion stalwart and nut job John R. Rice warns his followers not to eat apples.
Books and Ebooks by the author of old time religion available HERE
old time religion Should you drink alcoholic beverages?
old time religion in which drugs are bad but alcohol is A-OK because it is in the bible. A page from Your Youth: Getting the Best out of it published by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Company in 1976.
Unidentified illustrator 1976.
old time religion Church Bus to HELL Jack Hyles Giant Transportation System.
The real problem was sexual abuse. Let's check what our modern scripture (Wikipedia) says about Brother Hyles :
Accusations of improper sexual behavior, financial and emotional abuse are highlights to Hyles' legacy. In 1989, the The Bible Evangelist published a story titled "The Saddest Story We Ever Published", accusing Hyles of sexual scandals, financial misappropriation and doctrinal errors. He was accused of a decade long affair with his secretary, Jennie Nischik, who happened to be the wife of a church deacon, Victor Nischik.
Thus sullied. Hey kids, Get on Board the Soul Bus!
In this volume, one of over 25 books Hyles wrote and sold, "Communists" like Bob Dylan and the Lovin' Spoonful are perverting our children. Better to pick up his "Sex Education Booklet" for children instead. 25 cents.
old time religion SAVED at the Burgess Butts Barn!
old time religion SAVED at the Burgess Butts Barn! Original Real Photo Postcard 1911
collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Noah's Ark FOUND!
old time religion Noah's Ark FOUND! Turns out it reached land on Highway 101 south of Los Angeles! Looks like some of the animals chose to stay.
old time religion Friar Jerome Considers the Separation of Church and State Real Photo Postcard
old time religion Friar Jerome Considers the Separation of Church and State
Real Photo Postcard No Date Collection of Old Time Religion. Thanks to Natalie Curley of Curley's Antiques.
old time religion Diversity in Dating Boy meets Girl the Christian Way
old time religion Boy meets Girl the Christian Way by Rev. Frank E. Gartland. 1943 tract collection old time religion the blog.
old time religion Jehovah's Witness Watchtower Pests
old time religion family of Jehovah's Witness Watchtower pests traveling the road searching for sinners.
Original photographs circa 1940. Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Consuming Fire
old time religion uneasy original photograph, circa 1950. Collection Jim Linderman
Books and affordable Ebooks by the author available from Blurb HERE
Lair of the GOATMAN old time religion

Free Thinking Christian Mission Headquarters of Chess McCartney the Goatman. Your call...
Original Postcard dated on reverse 1957. Jefferson County, Georgia.
Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Evangelical Sunday School Parade
old time religion Evangelical Sunday School Parade Original snapshot, circa 1950? Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Loneliness of the Tent Revival Preacher Real Photo Postcard c. 1900
Look close and you will see this preacher has wired his tent for outdoor sound! A small speaker to carry his words to all. I hope some show up.
Real Photo Postcard c. 1900 Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion Harry Bentz American Folk Art / Outsider Art / Self Taught Cowboy Artist
old time religion Harry Bentz American Folk Art / Outsider Art / Self Taught Artist Harry Bentz rounds up the Devil. 1982 Collection Jim Linderman
old time religion What are bad books? Liguorian Pamphlet
What are bad books? Well, since I can't find this pamphlet in the American Catholic Pamphlets Database, I'll have to let the book speak for itself. The Liguorians provide no date here, but then God's rules are rules forever, right? This convenient wallet sized tract makes it easy to consult before ordering anything for your kindle.
old time religion Courting the Ruin of your Soul Religious Tract
old time religion Festooned and Bedecked
old time religion Festooned and Bedecked Church with two Twig Chairs. Original 8 x 10 photograph, no date (c. 1920) collection old time religion the blog.
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